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The GET IN THE VAN Video of "Catch A Wave For Molly"
by Joe Carter from the ESPN website.

June 30th, 2011 -July 26, 2011 Day 340
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...
The LAST 26 DAYS...

Today is a special day. It's my wife's birthday. I love her as much today, as I did when we first met in December of 1983. It's hard to believe how far we've come. Next year we will be celebrating 25 years of marriage. Happy Birthday baby.
Photo taken today June 30, 2011 at 10th Street, Hampton, NH by Noelle.

It's also Dave
"Crop" Cropper's and Kyle Linseman's birthday's too! I love these guys. Photo By RALPH

This is a birthday cloud. Whoever wants it can have it. You just need it to be your birthday today. Photo by RALPH

My first wave today was for MOLLY. There's the salute. Photo by Noelle.

My second wave was for my sister Evamarie. And my last wave (a
bove) was for my wife Cory. I love you baby! Photo by Noelle.

The summer of 1961. This is Cory and her dad Jerry. He was stationed at Fort Campbell Kentucky. Cory was born on the base. Jerry was in the 101st Airborne. There was another Paratrooper
stationed at that base at this exact time. Perhaps you heard about him?

His name was James Marshall Hendrix. Better known as "Jimi Hendrix.

Those of you who know me best know that I am a HUGE Hendrix fan. Is i
t any wonder why we are such a perfect match?

I took this today at 10th Str
eet...our favorite beach. Happy Birthday Baby...

340, only 25 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


June 29th, 2011 -July 26, 2011
Day 339
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...
The LAST 27 DAYS...

There was once again something for me to ride. It was small again. But man was it ever warm. I had my youngest with me today, and I should of insisted that she bring her board and surf with me. But I didn't. Still we had fun at 14th Street. What's the old saying about "there's no such thing as a bad day at the beach." It's true.

This was my first day in my long sleeve shorty. I could of easily worn no wetsuit and just trunked it. It's really summer kids.

The daily stroll into the ocean . I'm going to miss doing this everyday.
Photo by Noelle

The daily ride. The daily glide. Photo by Noelle.

The daily salute. Today I shared my session with Johnny Grasso and Shannon.
We all had a few chuckles out there. Photo by Noelle.

Johnny riding the "Stubby" . Photo by Noelle.

Another day...another wave...I hope it st
ays this warm until my last day.
Photo By Noelle.

BHD last night on the beach. Jamming my own tunes and Jimi and Stevie Ray's.
Photo courtesy of Amy

339, only 26 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


June 28th, 2011 -July 26, 2011
Day 338
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...
The LAST 28 DAYS...

There was still little waves this morning. And the water was so warm. I joined these beginners at 14th Street for my daily surf. I'm sure they had no idea what I was doing. I caught 6 waves in about 10 minutes and then I left.

But before I left, I saw this. "Surf Free Or Die"

Imagine my surprise to be out surfing at 14th Street this morning and looking back to see this...I guess I should be flattered. After all, this is my company name for all my surf movies. I came up with SFOD in the early 80's...Then I thought...oh no, I hope they don't think I wrote this... But honestly? It made me smile.

That's 338, only 27 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


June 27th, 2011 -July 26, 2011
Day 337
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...
The LAST 29 DAYS...

I had the pleasure of meeting two amazing individuals this morning. Mike Simpson and Will Rich. They have taken on an incredible undertaking of "SUPPING THE ENTIRE EAST COAST". And all to benefit the Wounded Warriors Project.
Most of you know that the Wounded Warriors is very near and dear to my heart. They both started in Florida on March 1, 2011 and will end in Portland Maine on
this coming Wednesday.

That's pretty amazing when you stop and think about it. That's a long paddle.

I love hearing stories like this. It just reinforces what I already believe to be true. And that is..."There are more people doing good things in this world than there are bad people doing bad things..." They both plan on being back in Hampton on August 18, 2011 to attend our annual Wounded Warriors HIT THE BEACH event.
( See below for details)

Meanwhile, Godspeed Mike and Will. May the sun be easy on your face, and the wind always on your back.

After Mike and Will SUPP'd out of sight, I went and caught my waves...and it was still waist high...Life is good my is good.

That's 337, only 28 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


June 26th, 2011 -July 26, 2011
Day 336
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...
The LAST 30 DAYS...

Today was one of those days where I wished I could of cloned myself. I had doubled booked myself (again). This day was the "Walk For Linda" day. The late Linda Paugh, is a close and dear friend of the entire surf community. She lost her battle with cancer on December 6, 2009. Her sister-in-law Teresa organized a walk for Linda today.

I had every intention of being there, but I had forgotten I had a meeting with the Wounded Warriors at 10AM this morning. We're having our 4th Annual Wounded Warriors HIT THE BEACH on August 18, 2011 at 18th Street at North Beach.

And well, I could not be a both places at once. So, I caught a wave for Linda at 8AM and my wife Cory did the walk for Linda at 9:30AM. Thank you baby.

There's also another Wounded Warrior event happening today. The two guys who are SUPPING From Florida To Maine in support of the Wounded Warriors SUPPED into Hampton today. I'll be meeting up with them tomorrow at 9AM.

So much going on and so little time. The Walk For Linda Walkers...

The Sea birds came out to offer support for the walkers. *All photos by Cory Fatello

That's 336, only 29 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


June 25th, 2011 -July 26, 2011
Day 335
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

The rains that came early this morning were something right out of the Twilight Zone. Oh my God...if you live around here on the Seacoast you know what I'm talking about. It sounded crazy out there. With the Thunder and absolute deluge of rain. I mean it was raining cats and dogs. It was raining in buckets. Are there any other cliches I can throw into the mix or do you all get it?

I started the day shooting pics for the weekly column with my man Ed O'Connell. Glad to see Ed again. We had fun seeing the crazy Wall Early Summer Antics. And boy they were starting. Always something to see down there. That's for sure.

I met some surfers that follow this daily blog and weekly blog. I love meeting you guys. In fact, if any of you see me when I'm around come on over and say hello.

Then it was time to surf. I went looking for some less than traveled breaks that could accommodate my 335th Day with just a few close friends and I found it.
That's me pointing at my buddy Johnny Meehan's vehicle. I joined him and a few others for a fun sesh. There was Johnny, Jay, John Wheatly, Dale Pariseau, Tony, and his buddy (sorry I forgot your name). All sharing waves. You know, taking turns and hooting each other.

I rode my shortboard. I had fun. The water was warm, and everyone was stoked about this being my 335th Day...only 30 more to Go.

It was way smaller than the Wall. But it was more user friendly. Thank God.

Me and Jay Gould. Jay's dad passed away from cancer. His name is on my board. And Johnny Meehan's mom passed away from cancer too. And yes, her name is on my board. We had a fun sesh. I was so stoked as I left the ocean today. It's hard to believe. Only one month left.

That's 335, only 30 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


June 24th, 2011 -July 26, 2011
Day 334
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

The surf came up. It was messy but there was some head high sets pouring into the beaches and coves. I rode my short board. It felt good to pull off a few cutbacks. I had to switch venues. I went to the Wall first but soon realized that it was too much at low tide. Besides, I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone. I moved up the coast and found a more manageable spot.

I had company out there...but we spoke different languages.

It was clean out there. Or rather, cleaner than the wall.

Beach salad. Almost looks good enough to eat.

Pretty little beach houses in a row...

Wet rocks...nestled in for the night.

334, only 31 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


June 23rd, 2011 -July 26, 2011
Day 333
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

Hey I just realized that today is the last of the days of the year that has the same number 3 times....Day 333, Day 222, and Day 111. I know that does not mean much to some of you, but to me? It's one of those amusing little side notes that occur throughout the calendar year.

OK I'm not going to lie. I was chilly this morning. Really chilly. Not sure why. Lord knows I've been through a few days that were a whole lot chillier than today. But I was cold when I pulled up at 18th Street today. In fact, I got into my suit inside the Commander rather than standing outside of it. When I got out and looked over the wall I saw two kids in the water with no wetsuits. I laughed out loud to myself.

By the time I hit the water, I was warm. And I was stoked. There were waves. I was actually giddy out there. As the sets started to build I found myself paddling around on my longboard trying to keep my hair dry. I was not using a leash today. So, long story short. I caught about 4 waves. That's four more than Whitey Bulger's ever gonna catch. Ouch.

In the rain...I said hello and goodbye to Day 333 and Lil Miss Molly.

That's 333, only 32 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


June 22nd, 2011 -July 26, 2011
Day 332
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

My day started off with bright sun, but quickly gave way to clouds and rain. The water at 8:30AM was still warm. As I pulled up at 18th Street I found a beautiful piece of Driftwood. I picked it up and shoved it into the Commander.

I use them to line my garden and my driveway. I did it 10 years ago when I did the 365 the first time around. This was a nice piece. I was stoked to find it.

I looked over the Wall and spotted two elderly ladies sitting on the bench. If you recall, there were two elderly gentlemen sitting on the opposite bench yesterday.

I went over and said hello after catching my two waves. They wanted to know why I was in and out of the water so quickly. "Your hair is still dry." one of them said. I smiled and then told them about my mission. The woman on the left said that both of her parents passed away from cancer and both of her husbands. "We all know someone who has cancer." I said. They were impressed with my "Catch A Wave For Molly" campaign. And they both gave me words of encouragement.

They smiled and waved goodbye and then they went back to staring out to sea.

I went to the local High School today and witnessed for the first time, the precision accuracy of the USMC Silent Drill Team. I was blown away by the performance. I had only seen YOUTUBE clips of these young men. They came in from Washington DC and performed for about 20 minutes. All without a single verbal command. It was impressive to say the least.

After their performance we invited them back to our Post and fed them lunch and then had them pose in front of our GWOT monument. At one point, one of the Marines got real serious and spoke to his brothers in a hushed but somber speech. One of the fallen heroes on our monument, was a Marine he had served with.

It was emotional and poignant. Semper Fi my brothers.

That's 332, only 33 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


June 21st, 2011 -July 26, 2011
Day 331
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...
The Summer Solstice

My son's surgery was a success this morning. The Doctor found two Hernias and removed them both. They attached a mesh graft to the area, and he will be good to go in 4-8 weeks. Meanwhile, he is resting comfortably and dreaming about waves, girls, and football. Thank you all for your positive thoughts and prayers.

The first photo I shot this morning. Always something beautiful to see at the ocean.

The 2nd photo I shot. Two elderly gentlemen sitting on the bench checking the surf.

The 3rd photo I shot. The same two men meeting up with the ladies.

The 4th photo. Me pulling Big Black out of the Commander.

The 5th photo I shot. My buddy Jacko stopped and said hello.

Thanks again for keeping Max in your thoughts and prayers. Life is good today.

331, only 34 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


June 20th, 2011 -July 26, 2011
Day 330
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

I was walking up the beach this morning on this last Day of Spring after catching a few waves. When out of the corner of my eye, I spotted an elderly gentleman walking towards me. He had on a plaid suit coat with a long sleeve shirt, he had long pants with loafers, and on top of his head, was the old style "cabbie" hat that my late father used to wear.

"You made it look so easy out there." He says to me. "Oh thanks, I've been doing this for quite sometime. I'm pretty good at catching small waves." He looks at me and says "You have good balance." I thanked him again. "Say, have you ever tried surfing with both your eyes closed, with both your hands out straight, and standing on one foot?" He says as he demonstrates the actual stance. "Now why would I want to do that?" I asked. "To test your balance." I smiled and looked at him. "I think I'm OK...I don't think I need to do that." I answered.

He followed me back to my vehicle. "You should try it sometime. Be a good test for your balance. I used to water ski, but I think it's too dangerous to try it again at my age." He said. "How old are you?" I asked. "I'm 80!" "Well maybe you should try it again. Not out here. I'd go to a lake and try it." "You think I should?" He asked. "Sure why not? You're thinking about it. Give it another try."

His name was Sam. He's a Korean War Vet. I thanked him for his service and watched him walk away. He stopped every few feet to look out to sea. He looked back at me and I waved. He waved back and then he saluted me.

It was the sweetest thing. Sam...I hope you go water skiing one more time.

I mentioned earlier that I caught a few waves. One for Molly. One for my sister Evamarie. And one for my son Max who is going in for surgery tomorrow to have a Hernia removed. I know it's an easy outpatient procedure, but his down time is really going to mess up his summer. He's a lifeguard and he's training for College Football. Plus he can't surf for 4-8 weeks. His mother is worried about him. But I know he's a fighter and he can make it back sooner rather than later.

Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow.

That's 330, only 35 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


June 19th, 2011 -July 26, 2011
Day 329
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...
Happy Father's Day-Past-Present-Future Dads

I still miss my father. It's been 11 years. But I still miss him. I miss my Father-in law too. It's been almost 6 years. It's hard to believe that they are both gone. I know that some of you have lost your dads this year and you are experiencing the first Father's Day without your dad. It does get better. But this first one is tough.
Hang in there, you are not alone.

I also know that as much as I miss my dad and father-in-law, I know that a certain Dad is missing someone special in his life today. I knew this day was coming. So I want to reach out to you Buck. I love you brother, and I know Molly is with you today. She's right there. You know that. You've seen proof of it last month.

Love is surrounding us all today.

How lucky was I today to get to surf BIG HANDSOME DADDY with the person who came up with that name exactly ten years ago. Noelle called me Big Handsome Daddy one day when I was surfing everyday for a year in memory of my late father.
Lisa McCarthy took this photo. A BIG shout out to all the McCarthy's today. Their first Father's Day without Their dad Allen. Just like Molly, he is with you all today.

Noelle riding the right at Big Handsome Daddy's.

Noelle took this photo of me Big Handsome Daddy at BHD's.

Molly please pay your daddy a visit today.... Photo by Noelle.

The Old Salt Brunch was great and filling. Cory, me, Noelle, and Mackey V.
Photo by the waitress.

My son and I took the dog on a field training session and we ran into this scene. Imagine that Lil Red Squirrel being conceived on Fathers Day?

That's 329, only 36 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


June 18th, 2011 -July 26, 2011
Day 328
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

It's still hard to believe that we are World Champions. In fact, it's hard to believe that we are world champions in all four major sports in the last 7 years...Football, Baseball, Basketball, and now Hockey. The Pats, The Sox, The C's, and the B's.
How freaking lucky are we? All you other one sports towns can't hold a candle to what we have. And we are going to relish in this one for sometime. At least until
the Fall when the Sox get closer to the Play-offs.

I was a Bruins fan back in the day of Orr, Esposito, Sanderson, and company. We were a real Hockey Town back in those days. We are that again today.

I shot these off the HD Big Screen TV. That's Thomas and Chara with Lord Stanley.
They should of cut to a scene in Vancouver during the coverage. Nah that's mean.
But I did find myself wondering what they were doing today.

David Horton hoisting a Black and Gold Lobster Buoy that some fan handed to him.
Seemed appropriate enough.

Thanks Coach. You proved us all wrong. I love that he was pointing to the fans. That's what it's all about. And Boston and the surrounding communities came out in droves to show their appreciation.

Meanwhile back to my reality. My wet hand print...almost looks like a Bruins logo.

That's 328, only 37 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


June 17th, 2011 -July 26, 2011
Day 327
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

I was in Boston all day yesterday. I was at Mass General with my sister meeting with the team of doctors. They still have not decided how they are going to attack this tumor. I couldn't help but notice the Garden as we drove by it. I never saw a game there this year. But just knowing that the CUP was in that building was kind of neat.

I'm so happy the season is over. Now I can stop stressing.

There was not much out there (for some people) but for me? Are you kidding? Give me anything over 6 inches and I'm styling.

These are some of my biggest fans. They are all so sweet. They are also very supportive. I love seeing them there at 18th Street.

This ritual is starting to feel like it's winding down. When they asked me how many days I had left I had to stop and think. "Uhhh 38 days..." Hearing myself say that number got me thinking. I really am getting close.

That's 327, only 38 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


June 16th, 2011
-July 26, 2011
Day 326
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

I shot this photo on my friend's Big Screen TV...what a night. What an amazing Play-Off Series. All the old Bruins fans and young Bruins fans unite. We are an OFFICIAL SPORTS HUB now. In the last 7 years we have won a Football Championship, A Baseball Championship, a Basketball Championship and a now a Hockey Championship. Tell all your Yankee fan friends to blow it out their ass.

Last night at the moment of victory! I leaned over and told my son how lucky he was to be witness to another great sports night. Then we did a man hug/father son hug. Yes...I fooled the Voodoo Gods by switching venues. But then again, this is where we saw Game 7 of the Tampa bay series.

My friends I do believe that this is a first. An underwater pic of yours truly.

Speaking of friends Gary and Tony showed up to watch my daily wave count...what the hell is that on my eye? Ha! Come on now, you all know by now I'm crazy for Boston Sports. Just having some fun.

What a great night sister called me crying she was so happy. I bet your daddy was happy too! I'm so happy that I don't have to stress until the Fall when the Sox are in the play-offs...oh no did I just write that down? DOH!

That's 326, only 39 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


June 15th, 2011
-July 26, 2011
Day 325
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...
Game 7...GO BRUINS!!!!

OK I know I should not mess with the Bruin's Logo...but honestly? I've been a fan since the 60' allegiance is with the team. My allegiance is with our country. Do not question my mind is on the game. My mind is swirling...I want this for so many reasons. First and foremost for all the new fans who never experienced this before, and then for all the older fans who want to see it one last time. Game seven in's going to be great!

There were waves again. I caught three waves. One for Molly. One for Evamarie and one for the Bruins...I saluted on each wave.

This nice couple watched my camera and my Molly hat for me. They told me their names and the dog's name...and well, my mind is not what it used to be and I forgot. I do know that they too were Bruins fans and were happy to to watch me catch my three waves. The wife was astonished at how quick I was. I told them..."After 325 days, I think I have it down...". They laughed.

I know it's hard to read...but I wrote in the sand...Go Molly And Go Bruins!

If you closely, you can see my reflection in the board.

No matter what happens was one hell of a ride getting here. GO MOLLY! GO EVAMARIE! GO BRUINS!!! You can do it!

That's 325, only 40 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


June 14th, 2011
-July 26, 2011
Day 324
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...
I was once again, in this year long journey of mine, surprised to see that there were waves. You'd think I'd get used to these surprise little swells. Well, I am and I'm not. But I sure will relish in these days that produce decent little fun waves.

Like was all of three feet out there. And no one around. I saw my buddy Jacko and we talked for a while, but as far as anyone else out surfing? Nope. It was just me and Big Black.

I bet not a lot of you know what you do with an unserviceable American Flag? Don't feel bad, up to about 20 years ago, I didn't know either. But as it turns out, you give those Flags to an active Veterans Post and they will respectively destroy them in a somber ceremony. After catching my waves today, I had to join my fellow veterans and systematically destroy over 5,000 flags.

It's hard to actually burn these flags. I mean, it's just hard to do. Some of them are not in that bad of shape. But we burn them along with all the real bad ones. But seriously, ever since I was a kid, that Flag really meant something to me. I couldn't help but think of the irony of what we do as a country. And how even with these old flags the respect we show and exhibit is so powerful.

And so here we are on the cusp of going to Canada to play in a Game 7 of the Stanely Cup Finals...and I was wondering if the Canadians have something like this. I mean do the Canadians burn their tattered flags? Or, do they just throw them away...? I wonder. It would not surprise me to find they they did...and then again, it would not surprise me that they didn't.

But we do...we Americans have something special going on. Just watch Game 7 tomorrow to see what I'm talking about!

That's 324, only 41 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


June 13th, 2011
-July 26, 2011
Day 323
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

I was surprised that the surf had left town overnight. I was expecting clean and at least chest high today. Instead it was barely waist high and crumbling. Still, it was more than enough for what I needed. I got my two right off the bat and then hung around for another good luck wave. Good Luck for who? Well...maybe the Bruins? Or maybe someone who really needs some good luck. I left it up in the air.

So after surfing today I was totally shocked to see a dozen of those bacteria laden disks from Last March on the beach...are you freaking kidding me? Are these from the same spill? Or a new spill? I took a bunch of's one below.

There were at least 10 of them at 18th Street...what a tragedy.

I said hello to Molly and asked her to keep an eye out for my sister and yes...I asked for a little extra...I asked for the Bruins to win.

OK I'm taking this as a sign., As I loaded my board to leave today I looked down on the ground because something caught my eye. There sitting with the number 6 facing up was a diamond studded "dice" looking back up at me. I took it as The Bruins will win Game six. I hope I'm right...GO BRUINS!

That's 323, only 42 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


June 12th, 2011
-July 26, 2011
Day 322
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

I feel pretty silly today. I was working on my column all night and day and by the time I went and caught my daily waves it was close to 3PM. The surf yesterday was only 1' at best. I just assumed it was the same today. So I never bothered to check the cams. Imagine my surprise when I showed up and it was a solid head high and bigger. And me with my longboard? I needed a shorter board for sure. I surfed for about an hour. I caught many waves today out at the peak.

This photo does not tell you how big it really was. But trust me it was at least head high or bigger on the sets. Ask anyone who surfed today. They will tell you.

Directly after surfing I attended a graduation party for our long dear family friend Kody Grondin. Kody graduated from Tabor this year.

Here he is with MVF this afternoon at the family house. These two are like brothers. They have been friends since they were infants. We love Kody.

We all feasted on the Roast Beast. Cooked by the master himself Alex Reola.

This is where the boys grew up skating on the pond. Kody stayed with Hockey and is a real good Hockey player. I mean REAL good., Everything was good today ...tomorrow we battle the Canucks...GO BRUINS!

That's 322, only 43 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


June 11th, 2011
-July 26, 2011
Day 321
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

OK I admit. I went to bed last night in a bad mood. I was anything but relaxed. Like a lot of you, that game really got to me. Nothing about it felt right. And I carried that feeling this morning when I woke up. In fact, I felt it right up to the moment when I pulled up at 18th Street to catch my waves at 11:30AM. It was raining both inside and out.

Then everything changed. Why is that?

Because out in the water was my new found buddy DUG. And I knew that I was going to be laughing very shortly after he saw me. And I was right. DUG could care less about the Bruins and the Canucks. And that's exactly what I needed.

I told DUG how everyone loved the photos of he and I together earlier in the week. He laughed. "People think I'm crazy..." he said. "People think I'm crazy too DUG!".
He laughed. "Of course, we're two kinds of crazy though..." I said, we laughed again. I told him we should consider doing a DUG & RALF series...we laughed.

It was pouring rain out there. We both agreed that we loved surfing in the rain.
"It's so cool." he said.

Style is in the eye of the beholder. DUG can style in any condition. Like here.

I lucked out and caught this mini wave before it did it's mini pitch.

He reminded me of Joey Cabell in this photo. He was hooting and so was I.

I like the rain...I said goodbye to DUG and said I'd meet him here again. Then I went up and said hello to our lil girl..."Molly watch over my sister. And give the Bruins a kick in the ass."

That's 321, only 44 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


June 10th, 2011
-July 26, 2011
Day 320
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

I am very calm and relaxed. Which is really surprising to me. With all that is going on in and around my world. My sister meeting with the Doctors yesterday at Mass General. I was with her all day. I guess my being there made her more relaxed. So that's a good thing. It's just strange dealing with this again in my life. And then of course, the BRUINS game tonight. I should be uptight all around. But I am not. I am calm. I feel good things coming our way. So once again, GO BRUINS!

Do I appear calm? Because I am...calm and relaxed...h-m-m-m-m-m.

That's where I caught and rode two today. You know..."Two and Through!" I'm sure that couple sitting there on the bench were wondering why I went out for two waves and then left. But you guys know why...GO BRUINS!

That's 320, only 45 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


June 9th, 2011
-July 26, 2011
Day 319
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

Whoa what a game that was last night. 4-0...such an exciting game to watch. It's so good to be a Bruins fan again. Hope they continue their run tomorrow night. Hard hitting, aggressive offense, shoot the puck, solid defense, and let Thomas play his game. If they win tomorrow in Vancouver, you better keep Monday night clear...because that will be a game to end all games. GO BRUINS!

This is the surf this morning. I was happy to see that there was still something to ride! I caught a handful and left.

I wore no boots or gloves today. I was fine. I guess I'm really out of the woods's safe to say the snow is behind me.

These are the skates I had when I was kid. My dad bought me and my brothers
used skates at the local Firehouse in an old school skate swap. We used the "hand me down skates" all the time back in those days. Man those were fun times. My
son Max shot this today after I caught my wave.

I had to escort my kid sister to Mass General today to have her stitches removed from the surgery. And to find out what kind of treatment they are going to use to
kill this cancer. But they had no news. The tumor is still at the lab in New York. Later these insane clouds came roaring through the seacoast and dumped a ton
of rain and hail on us. For a minute there I thought I was in Massachusetts.

These are some big ass rain was quite the storm. I hope no one got hurt and no property was damaged.

That's 319, only 46 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


June 8th, 2011 -July 26, 2011 Day 318
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

Tonight is a big night for New England Hockey Fans...the BRUINS and Cannucks in Game 4 of the Stanley Cup Finals. We are all hoping for a repeat of what happened on Monday. And if the concept of Momentum has any bearing it will. Because my friends the momentum is in our favor. I just got off the phone with my sister and she is very excited about this game. So GO BRUINS!

I was pleasantly surprised to see that there were waves today. It was easily waist high. It was hot, and glassy, though I stayed in my 3/2 with boots and gloves. Sorry Ralphie don't do cold. Not after what I just went through last winter...I can wait until July/August for the water to warm up.

I know it's hard to tell from this pic...but there were little glassy humps out there. There was no sign of my friend DUG...oh well. I guess yesterday was a chance encounter. Kind of like stumbling upon Big Foot or something. I had fun with DUG yesterday, and I had fun today.

That's a waist high wave right there kids...and she's glassy too!

This is one of those look down and shoot perspectives. It's a cool angle.

Then my friend Johnny Sav paddled by on his canoe. We th
rew out the Shakas.

There were a couple of beginners out there. I shot this as a nice wave passed her by. They were both having fun, but needed some direction. I gave them a few pointers and then wished them luck.

Then I said hello to Molly and asked her to keep an eye on my sister. Then before I left, I asked her to help guide the Bruins to a victory tonight. Please Molly...

That's 318, only 47 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


June 7th, 2011
-July 26, 2011
Day 317
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

I've mentioned this before, but I'll do it again. My younger sister is a BIG BRUINS fan. She loves that team. Last night was an Old School Boston Bruins ass
whooping. It was a great game to watch. We won 8-1. Sounds more like a baseball game than a Hockey Game. None the less, the game was great. We now trail 2-1 in the series, but after last night? I don't know. All bets are off. I do know this, momentum is in our favor. And tomorrow night has all the makings of another
great exciting game.

I hope they win and tie it up heading back to Vancouver. Man that would be great.
Especially for my kid sister who needs some positive things to hang onto.

Today I surfed with DUG. I've known DUG for a few years now...and he is as unique an individual as they come. For the most part, Surfers are characters, and they are based on Style and Originality. DUG has all of that and more. We had fun sharing waves and many laughs today. It's hard to surf with DUG and not smile and laugh.

But I must say for as fun and quirky as he comes off, there is a soft and tender side to him. A passionate and caring side that get's overlooked in his daily antics and creative ravings. He told me he spent the winter inland in North Carolina staying with his older brother who was recuperating from a Lung Transplant. I thought that was a noble and caring gesture. And not many people who know of DUG would of thought that possible. But it's true.

DUG has a heart of gold and a giving and caring personality.

And my short surf session with him
was filled with love and compassion.

I'm sure there are many out there who would think that DUG and RALPH are complete opposites. We may differ on some things, but the things that count, (Caring, love, support and sacrificing) we are on the same page.

That was fun surfing with you today brother. I'll see you again I'm sure.

We posed for one last shot before I departed.

Then I stopped to say hello to Molly and to ask for her to watch over my sister.

I looked back and watched DUG walk away from the ocean. I thought about what I wrote the day before...and added this..."If I won't ever grow tired of walking towards the Ocean, then I shall never grow tired of walking away from the ocean after surfing. They are both equally satisfying.

That's 317, only 48 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


June 6th, 2011
-July 26, 2011
Day 316
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

Today is the anniversary of the D-Day landing in 1944 in Normandy France. Tonight is the B-Day landing of the Boston Bruins on the Vancouver Cannucks. Let's hope for the same results. We need this win tonight.

The sun and surf was smooth as silk this morning. I ran into Hannah Vokey at 18th Street and she snapped a few pics for me. I also saw several other friends along the way. It's amazing how many people walk that wall in the morning. I've come to know several of them. Several? Hell I know dozens maybe more.

It's funny because when I first pulled up I heard a group of elderly ladies sneer at me saying "What the hell is he doing? There's no waves out there?" I swear I heard that. I just smiled at them. Mostly because they were right.

But I look at these small waves and I am thankful. Lord knows I've surfed smaller.
Photo By RALPH

don't believe I shall ever grow tired of walking towards the ocean in my life.
Photo by Hannah Vokey .

Or feeling the water each day as it hits my legs. Photo by Hannah Vokey .

Or that simple act of riding a small wave and rendering a small salute.
Photo by Hannah Vokey .

On the way back up the beach I paused to watch the Periwinkles make their long trek to the ocean...(no not those three humans-I'm talking about the small black snails in the wet sand. ) Photo by Ralph

Me and my shadow...I caught my "Two and Through"...the sun feels good today.
Photo by RALPH .

316, only 49 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


June 5th, 2011
-July 26, 2011
Day 315
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

The sun was shining bright and warm this morning. I could feel the warmth on my face. But I am still numb with the news of my sister and then watching that damn Bruin's game last night. For the record, my sister is a huge Bruins fan. I want them to win for her. I know that's selfish. And really who cares how they win as long as they win. I will say that the games are exciting. Up and down the ice all night long. Too bad they lost two heartbreakers. But that's sports.

The surf was small today. Only a foot and a half. Tiny Elvis waves. But you all know, I don't need much. I caught two waves with relative unease. Photo by RALPH

Today was my first day without gloves. It's still too cold. I'm putting them back on
tomorrow. I've got sensitive hands. Plus I need them to work. Photo by RALPH.

That's 315, only 50 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


June 4th, 2011
-July 26, 2011
Day 314
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

I am all done with the "ONE AND DONE" days. From this point forward it's
"TWO AND THROUGH". One for Molly, and one for my sister. My sister is in good spirits. She's ready for the fight that lies ahead. We are going to dig in and fight our way out of this mess. She's ready. We're all ready. Next Thursday we will have a better idea of just what we will be dealing with.

But make no mistake about it. We are fighters. And we are going to fight.
Family and friends unite.

I caught two today. One for Molly one for Evamarie. Photo by Cory Fatello

314, only 51 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


June 3rd, 2011
-July 26, 2011
Day 313
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

The news is not good. The tumor is malignant. They do not know how far the cancer has spread. It is in her bones near her temple and in her eye socket. And so it begins...another battle. We've been down this road before as a family. I'm heading in to see her once she gets out of recovery. The doctor is going to tell her the news today. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.

But now they are really needed. Now we know what we are facing.

I took all of these photos this morning. My positive thoughts and prayers were working overtime.

Blue green refreshing my soul...

Small but perfect.

I kept looking for positive signs out there.

They say that things happen for a reason. That God has a bigger plan for all of us.

All my positive thoughts and prayers were working all day.

These sandals have been here for two days now. I moved them under Molly's
name. Molly please help my sister Evamarie.

313, only 52 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


June 2nd, 2011
-July 26, 2011
Day 312
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

Tomorrow, Friday June 3rd, 2011 at exactly 1:00PM, my youngest sister Evamarie will be at Mass General having surgery to remove the large tumor behind her right eye. I've asked you last week to keep her in your thoughts and prayers. I'm asking again. Please say a prayer for her.

I took this photo last night. The clouds were mesmerizing to say the least. They changed shape and colors right in front of my eyes. It was beautiful.

I shot this photo this morning. I caught 4 waves today. One for Molly. One for my sister. One for a Samantha Jill Cote who passed a way a few days ago. And one for a Shelby who is at Mass General being treated for cancer.

I wish I could really save lives by surfing a wave...but I know I can't. My role is small compared to what the doctors, nurses and other medical professionals do. I'm just a messenger. And my message is ...DON'T GIVE UP. KEEP FIGHTING. And BELIEVE.

That's 312, only 53 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...


June 1st, 2011
-July 26, 2011
Day 311
At Least One Wave, Every Day, For 365 Consecutive Days...

OK I have surfed in all kinds of weather here in New England. Hurricanes, Nor'easters, snow storms, blizzards, sub zero degrees, pouring rain, thunder and lightening...but I have never ever surfed in a Tornado warning. That is until today.

By now most of you have seen the footage and heard the news of Tornadoes touching down in Massachusetts. And we did have Tornado warnings in affect all late afternoon.
By the time I had a chance to go and catch my wave today the skies were black and kind of scary looking.

I never saw a Tornado, but I did hear plenty of thunder and I saw several bolts of lightening. And while I do not
recommend surfing in thunder and lightening (and I do not) I was never in any real danger. Besides, like I told my youngest daughter..."They can't kill me...I have guardian angels watching over me..."

But to be on the safe side today, I only caught one. Oh was a ONE and DONE day for Ralphie today... this is my board in mid flight.

Notice I'm back in the five finger gloves...the mitts are put away until next fall.
Thank you for watching over me today Molly.

311, only 54 more to go. I'll be back tomorrow.

Surfing Heals All Wounds...



May 2011

APRIL 2011

March 2011

February 2011

January 2011

December 2010

November 2010

October 2010

September 2010

August 2010

July 2010